"Resting in His Promises: 30 Days of Comfort and Reflection in God's Word"

"Resting in His Promises: 30 Days of Comfort and Reflection in God's Word"

"Resting in His Promises: 30 Days of Comfort and Reflection in God's Word"

In times of emptiness and need, turning to God for comfort can bring peace and restoration to your soul. The scriptures selected for this journey focus on God’s promises of comfort, His unchanging love, and the peace He offers to those who seek refuge in Him. Each scripture is paired with a journaling prompt to help you reflect deeply on God’s word, allowing you to rest in His presence and find the strength to continue.

30 Scriptures and Journaling Prompts

  1. Psalm 34:18

    Prompt: Reflect on a time when you felt brokenhearted. How did you sense God’s presence during that time?
  2. Matthew 11:28
    Prompt: Write about the burdens you are carrying today. How can you lay them at Jesus’ feet?
  3. Isaiah 41:10
    Prompt: What fears are you holding onto? How does knowing that God is with you ease those fears?
  4. Psalm 23:4
    Prompt: Describe your “darkest valley” and how you can find comfort in knowing God is with you.
  5. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
    Prompt: Reflect on how God has comforted you in the past. How can you extend that comfort to others?
  6. John 14:27
    Prompt: What does God’s peace mean to you, and how does it differ from the peace the world offers?
  7. Psalm 55:22
    Prompt: What cares do you need to cast on the Lord today? How can you trust Him to sustain you?
  8. Philippians 4:6-7
    Prompt: Write down your anxieties. How can you turn these worries into prayers and petitions before God?
  9. Psalm 46:1
    Prompt: In what ways has God been a refuge for you? How can you lean on Him more in your current situation?
  10. Isaiah 40:29
    Prompt: Where do you feel weak today? How can you ask God to strengthen you in those areas?
  11. Romans 8:38-39
    Prompt: How does this assurance of God’s unbreakable love bring comfort to you in your current circumstances?
  12. Psalm 147:3
    Prompt: What wounds are you asking God to heal? How can you open your heart to His healing touch?
  13. Isaiah 43:2
    Prompt: Reflect on a challenging time in your life. How did God’s presence sustain you through it?
  14. Psalm 62:1
    Prompt: How can you find true rest in God today? What does resting in Him look like for you?
  15. Matthew 5:4
    Prompt: What are you mourning right now? How can you invite God into that space to receive His comfort?
  16. 2 Thessalonians 3:16
    Prompt: Where in your life do you need God’s peace the most right now? How can you welcome that peace into your heart?
  17. Lamentations 3:22-23
    Prompt: How can you embrace God’s new mercies every morning? Reflect on His faithfulness in your life.
  18. 1 Peter 5:7
    Prompt: What anxieties are weighing you down today? How can you release them to God, knowing He cares deeply for you?
  19. Psalm 121:1-2
    Prompt: When you feel overwhelmed, how can you remind yourself to look to God as your source of help?
  20. Proverbs 3:5-6
    Prompt: Where do you need to trust God more? How can you surrender your understanding to His greater wisdom?
  21. Jeremiah 29:11
    Prompt: How does knowing God has a plan for your life bring comfort to you in your current situation?
  22. Psalm 91:1-2
    Prompt: How can you make God your dwelling place? What does it mean to rest in His shadow?
  23. Isaiah 26:3
    Prompt: How can you cultivate a steadfast mind that trusts in God? Where do you need to focus your thoughts on Him?
  24. John 16:33
    Prompt: How does knowing that Jesus has overcome the world give you peace? Reflect on how you can take heart in this truth.
  25. Psalm 139:13-14
    Prompt: How does knowing that you are fearfully and wonderfully made bring you comfort? Reflect on God’s intimate knowledge of you.
  26. Hebrews 13:5
    Prompt: How does the promise of God’s constant presence bring you peace? In what areas do you need to cultivate contentment? 
  1. Zephaniah 3:17
    Prompt: Reflect on the idea of God rejoicing over you with singing. How does this image of God’s love and delight bring comfort to you?
  2. Psalm 73:26

          Prompt: In what areas of your life do you feel weak? How can you rely on             God to be the strength of your heart during these times?

  1. Isaiah 30:15

        Prompt: How can you find strength in quietness and trust? What does it                  mean for you to rest in God’s salvation?

  1. Revelation 21:4

       Prompt: How does the promise of a future without pain and suffering bring             you comfort today? Reflect on the hope you have in God’s eternal plan.

These scriptures and prompts are designed to guide you in seeking comfort and rest in God, helping you reflect on His love, strength, and the peace that only He can provide.

Anika B Chestnut

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Thank you for sharing this scripture.

Sandra Atueyi

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